A.P. van den Berg nominated for election Frisian company of the year
A.P. van den Berg is proud of the nomination for the election Frisian company of the year 2022. Next to A.P. van den Berg, five other Frisian companies have been nominated: Agriton, De Boer & De Groot, Jongia, Wadro and Wajer Yachts.

Semi-final and final
The semi-final – with the six nominated companies – will take place on Monday 7 March 2022. The nominees will then present themselves to the jury consisting of several entrepreneurs (Jennifer Westers and René de Heij), last year's winner Pieter Kooi and deputy Friso Douwstra (chairman).
This 'pitch introduction' and the results of two scans are the input for the jury to select three finalists from the six nominees. A few weeks later, the jury will visit these three finalists.
Ultimately, all impressions, figures, facts and presentations lead to one winner, who will be announced during the final on Tuesday 12 April 2022.
In its assessment, the jury is inspired and guided by innovation and inventiveness and by the extent to which the company is able to create and utilize opportunities. A sustainable policy with regard to employees and the environment also plays an important role, and of course attention is also paid to the company's financial results.